Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What is Barra de Potosi? que es barra de potosi?

Barra de Potosi, where I live, is a village at the pasific coast, 25 km from zihuatanejo. We have a beautiful beach and a lagoon. A green quiet paradise, especially for people that want to relax in their vocations. It is a village where the people live of traditional fishing and traditional restaurants near the beach called: enrramadas. The population is about 500 people.
We have a great lagoon zone whit mangroves of 16 km. where I do eco-tours in boat, beacuse its so nice to watch
the birds, fish, and different animals.
Barra de Potosi ( El pueblo donde yo vivo) es un pueblito en frente del oceano pasifico,
( 25 km de zihuatanejo) tenemos una playa hermosa y una laguna virgen. un tranquilo
paraiso verde, especial para las personas que quieren tener vacaciones relajantes.
es un pueblo donde la gente vive de la pesca tradisional y de los restaurantes que estan
frente ala playa llamadas: enrramadas. vivimos mas o menos 500 personas.
tnenemos una grandiosa laguna de 16 km, donde yo hago paceos ecologicos en lancha,
porque es muy lindo el ver aves, pezes y diferentes animales.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog. I am happy to be a follower of your blog, SharkBoy. I look forward to reading your blog often.
