You have to take a tour through the mangroves in the lagoon; you will see different species of birds for example: pelicans, herons, king fishers and many others rare species. You can admire the virgin zone of mangroves.
The fishermen are fishing in a very traditional Mexican style, and… yes! Why not? I can bring my net (tarralla) and you also have a try to fishing, I will teach you. And we also walk behind the mangroves, there you can learn more about this unique eco system. In the tour you can experience the amazing silence of this place.
The boat trip has a duration 2 hours and included one bottle water, beer or soft drink each person. Until now I always got positive commentaries and feed back for this tour. Everyone was impressed by the beauty of our nature, this tour than only I do in Barra de Potosi is the best here. Come and enjoy it too!!!!!
The fishermen are fishing in a very traditional Mexican style, and… yes! Why not? I can bring my net (tarralla) and you also have a try to fishing, I will teach you. And we also walk behind the mangroves, there you can learn more about this unique eco system. In the tour you can experience the amazing silence of this place.
The boat trip has a duration 2 hours and included one bottle water, beer or soft drink each person. Until now I always got positive commentaries and feed back for this tour. Everyone was impressed by the beauty of our nature, this tour than only I do in Barra de Potosi is the best here. Come and enjoy it too!!!!!
Usted tiene que tomar un tour por los manglares en la laguna de potosí, ustedes verán diferentes especies de aves por ejemplo: pelicanos, garzas, martines pescadores y otras raras especies de aves. Una virgen zona de manglares.
Veremos a los pescadores que pescan con las formas tradicionales de pesca mexicana. Y.. por que no? Puedo traer mi red (tarralla) y usted mismo puede intentarlo, yo le enseñare. Caminaremos tras de los manglares para enseñarles mas acerca de este único ecosistema. En el tour experimentaran la grandiosa quietud y silencio de este lugar .
El tour en lancha tiene una duración de 2 horas e incluye una botella de agua, cerveza o refresco por persona. Asta ahora siempre e recibido felicitaciones y buenos comentarios de este paseo que solo yo doy en este lugar, y siempre quedan impresionados de la belleza de la naturaleza. Vengan y disfrútenlo también ustedes!!!!
cell phone: (044) 755 102 6509